List of documents that the applicant needs to present

The submission shall include the following documentation:

  • Application form & signed declaration

  • Site Plan at a scale of 1:1000 with the chosen street/s extents clearly marked (a Site Plan at a scale of 1:2500 is also accepted if the street/s extent do not fit).

  • Site Photos (clearly cross-referenced to the Site Plan)

  • A Mapping Analysis (Baseline Mapping) in support of the proposed scheme.

This study shall include:

  1. an indication of the different uses of the street/s in question, 

  2. an indication of the current pedestrian footfall,

  3. an indication of the parking provision within the street,

  4. the proximity to bus stops within the street (if present) and within a catchment of 400m walking distance radius (5-minute walk), and

  5. traffic directions.

  • This study shall be presented on maximum 2No. sheets (not larger than A1).

  • Existing street plan/s at a scale which is not less than 1:500

    • Existing Plans are to be developed digitally on official base maps facilitated by Infrastructure Malta

  • Existing street section/s at a scale which is not less than 1:100

    • More than one section is required if street configuration varies throughout its extent

    • Street section/s shall be clearly cross-referenced to the existing plan/s.

  • Schematic Proposed Design Plan/s at a scale which is not less than 1:500

    • Proposed Plans are to be dimensioned and include details regarding surface treatment/finishes and choice of species, where applicable.

    • Proposed Plans are to be developed digitally on official base maps facilitated by Infrastructure Malta

  • A selection of typical Schematic Details, with zoomed-in sections of the proposed street design at a scale which is not less than 1:100

    • Street section/s shall be clearly cross-referenced to the proposed schematic plan/s.

  • Proposal Report (a concise report not exceeding 10 single pages) that shall include:

    A short background on the Proposal Site, as well as the length (in metres) of the site extents (length of street/s).

    • A clear explanation of how the 5No. Objectives and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) have been addressed and achieved.

    • An explanation of the initial Mapping Analysis Study (Baseline Mapping) and the resultant Schematic Proposal, with a clear discussion as to how the mapping analysis has informed the proposal.

    • Justifications for specific design decisions within the proposal (for instance, in terms of parking provision).

    • A 10-year plan for the maintenance of the project undertaken by the Local Council/s.

  • A high level estimate of the proposed interventions, in the form of a BoQ, including civil, finishing and landscaping works.

  • A minuted decision taken during an official Local Council meeting, stating that (a) the proposal has been discussed and approved by the Local Council in question and (b) that the schematic proposal, if chosen, would be discussed within a public forum with the local community.

    A minuted decision taken during an official Local Council meeting, stating that (a) the proposal has been discussed and approved by the Local Council in question and (b) that the schematic proposal, if chosen, would be discussed within a public forum with the local community.

Project Timelines

If selected, Local Councils and/or NGOs shall be given 4 weeks to discuss the proposal with the local community (resident, social and business).

Once this project is agreed to by the local community, detailed proposals shall be submitted to Infrastructure Malta and further developed by the agency for implementation throughout 2025.

Post-implementation, Local Councils shall maintain these projects on a regular basis and embark on further data analysis in order to monitor the success of the implementation of these proposals. In this regard on-site inspections may be carried out by officials from the Infrastructure Malta.

Assessment Criteria

Applications shall be assessed by an internal board within Infrastructure Malta as well as chosen external experts.

Assessment criteria shall comprise: