General Conditions

In general, interventions could address one, or a combination of, the following urban spaces:

01. A singular street upgrade/reconfiguration

02. A multi-street/network upgrade/reconfiguration

03. A public square (containing an element of public road therein)

04. A public square and surrounding street network

Possible interventions within the above urban spaces could comprise:

01. Total/partial pedestrianisation

02. Pedestrian infrastructure improvement

03. Traffic calming measures

04. On-street parking adjustments

05. Street greening (green infrastructure)

06. Cycling provision enhancement (shared roads or dedicated infrastructure)

While proposals should ideally seek to propose permanent change to the chosen streets and squares, Local Councils and NGOs could also utilise this scheme to propose a temporary change to the nature of the chosen street or square.

This could, for instance, include promoting the closure of such urban spaces during specific times and/or days of the week, in order to encourage reduced vehicular traffic within the locality in question, and returning this invaluable urban space back to the local community. Such temporary projects could be seen as part of a longer-term plan to permanently close off certain areas to unnecessary vehicular traffic.

Project Objectives

There are 5 Project Objectives tied to this project

01. Upgrade the physical infrastructure of local roads with an emphasis on improved pedestrian infrastructure and the creation of a more appealing, aesthetic street environment. The latter include pedestrian walkways and pedestrian-oriented elements such as crossings, signals and safety barriers. The choice of adequate surfacing materials is being encouraged, to provide a resilient and robust infrastructure that may also aid in achieving other objectives (such as stormwater management through the use of permeable surfaces).

02. Rethink local road configuration in order to prioritise other modes of transportation beyond the private vehicle, supporting the drive towards multi-modal transportation. This should improve pedestrian access to bus stops, so as to facilitate use of public transportation, and opportunities for cycling that may potentially connect to the existing infrastructure (either through dedicated lanes, if the physical space permits, or through shared spaces).

03. Improve pedestrian safety and accessibility for all and incorporate appropriate traffic calming measures so as to ensure adequate vehicular speeds within local roads, while also enhancing driver safety. Accessibility for All may be enhanced by implementing well designed ramps, where required, and improved surfaces using tactile paving, ensuring that the road design and its infrastructure adhere to Access for All guidelines. Better, and more effective, alternatives to the conventional ‘speed bumps’ exist, such as designs based on the ‘chicane’ principle, in tandem with raised crosswalks (which also improve visibility of pedestrians). The incorporation of visual and physical cues for vehicular movement may further enhance safety for both pedestrians and drivers alike.

04. Increase the potential of a well connected pedestrian and green network throughout different localities. There should be a concerted effort to think about the opportunities to create walkable routes and networks that prioritise safe and accessible mobility, reducing the reliance of the private vehicle wherever possible.

05. Seek opportunities for environmental enhancement through the green intensification of our local street network and the inclusion of appropriate green infrastructure to further aid in improving stormwater management. The selection of species for such green infrastructure should prioritise local, hardy and low-maintenance species. There should also be an effort to introduce mature trees wherever physically possible.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

In line with these objectives, four Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) have been identified which will need to be demonstrated by the Local Council:

01. A quantification (in metres), of the new alternative mobility routes being created (with a focus on walking and cycling), in order to gauge the manner with which the chosen street/s and/or square/s contribute to the overall urban infrastructure and connectivity within the locality, in terms of connectivity and strategic importance.

02. Tree canopy area being created so as to ensure a more temperate environment and Urban Heat Island (UHI) reduction (sqm).

03. Area of permeable surface being created to aid with stormwater management (sqm).

04. An understanding of how the local residential, social and business community shall benefit from the project.